5 Rules of Happiness from Jeff Weiner (LinkedIn’s CEO)

Photo Credit: Wharton University

It’s not a daily occurrence for me to get practical advice on happy living from the CEO of one the leading internet companies today.

I don’t work at LinkedIn Corporation, but luckily a very good friend of mine and rock-star sales professional who works at LinkedIn – Ali Mann, shared with me her notes from a time when Jeff addressed his team about his 5 rules of happiness.

Jeff’s 5 Rules of Happiness:

1. Live in the moment.

2. It’s better to be loving than to be right.

3. Be a spectator of your own thoughts. Especially when you become emotional (almost impossible to do, says Jeff).

4. Be Grateful for at least one thing every day.

5. Help others every chance you get.

No doubt, this is great advice.

What rules of happiness do you live by?

Notes from Jeff Weiner1
