How Will You Influence? What LinkedIn’s Announcement About the Extended Publishing Platform Means for Your Business and Career!

LinkedIn’s announcement in a recent blog post The Definitive Professional Publishing Platform that they are opening up the ability to publish original content to all members and become industry an “Influencer”, is A TOTAL GAME CHANGER! Here’s why: 1. It Levels the Playing Field. This new update, is exciting because it provides everyone with the opportunity for…

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How to Live a Purpose-Driven Life in The “Productive Zone”

All productive and high-performing people achieve success by using the 3 components of productivity: 1. Information – Relevant information, advice, news, and updates about what they need to know to move their life and business forward. 2. Technology – Leveraging the right tools contribute significantly to increase in productivity. Just think what life was like…

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LinkedIn Tips for Startups (and a FREE live workshop in Jerusalem)

Let’s face it, your startup growth will depend on many different types of people; a great team, investors, designers, engineers, customers, etc., and if you read Michael Eisenberg’s recent blog post about how Israeli startups need to improve their Messaging, Positioning, and Branding, (read it in Hebrew) you’d understand how important it is to have a…

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7 Apps that Compound the Power of LinkedIn

1. Great tool for B2B marketers who want to measure the impact of their LinkedIn activity and ROI.   2. About to meet someone you connected with on LinkedIn? Use Refresh to get to know them better before you meet in person so you won’t have to speak about the weather ever again!   3.…

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5 Ways to Bring “AWESOMENESS” into Your Presentations!

1500! I did some rough math and estimated that over the years in various sales and business development roles I’ve done over 1500 client presentations. Many of them were face-to-face, and many via remote presentation tools such GoToMeeting or And since I’m a student before anything else, I watch many webinars and presentations in order to…

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How to Use Advance Search and Groups to Communicate with Anyone on LinkedIn

  In this 4 minute video I walk you through how to find specific people of interest and how to send them an email even if you’re not connected in LinkedIn. Remember, one person can change your business forever! Please comment below to let me know if this helped in any way… (should I make…

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Top 10 Posts of 2013

#1.) “Who the *&@%# Are You?” 5 Questions that Build Trust and Credibility in Business     #2.) 10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was 20     #3.) 5 Must Watch Success TED Talks     #4.) 6 Simple Ways To Build Wealth: Advice from Multi-Millionaires       #5.) Mini-Course: How to be a High-Performer in…

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4 Reasons Why You Should Accept an Invitation to Connect From a Complete Stranger on LinkedIn

I had a conversation recently with a businessman who I met through LinkedIn. He did the right thing by taking the relationship offline, and invited me to have a call to see how we can help each other move forward with our businesses. The goal of LinkedIn isn’t just to connect to people and move…

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Meet – Now Anyone Can Invest in Israeli Innovation

“In proportion to its population, Israel has the largest number of start-up companies in the world. In absolute terms, Israel has the largest number of startup companies than any other country in the world, except the US (3,500 companies mostly in hi-tech)” – Jewish Federation. So there’s no surprise that OurCrowd, the investment group started…

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4 Life Success Principles from Software Localization

Since a large portion of my day as a software localization expert is dedicated to helping global software companies localize their products for global expansion, I’ve noticed at least 4 localization principles that can also apply to each one of us in our own lives – regardless of profession, industry, or occupation. Localization is the…

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