How to Drive the RIGHT Traffic to Your Website (for FREE) Using Your LinkedIn Profile

DrivingLinkedIn can be viewed as a game – and like any game, there are rules. Life too is a game, and gravity is a law of it. There’s nothing you can do to change it.

Knowing the rules can help you make smart choices and allows you to maximize your ability to win any game.

For example, knowing you can shoot a 3 pointer in basketball is why you go for the long shots. If you didn’t know it’s an extra point, you wouldn’t take the risk of shooting from that distance.

Knowing some of the LinkedIn rules can help you be more effective on LinkedIn. For example, the maximum amount of groups you can join on LinkedIn is 50 (though you can join more sub-groups). Knowing this helps you choose the groups wisely. Making smart group choices puts you in front of people that care about the topic you know about, and can move your business forward significantly.

Another rule is that you can have 3 links on your profile – not more, but you can have less if you choose to. And many people do. But if you include only one link, although you’re playing by the rules, you’re playing small. You are missing out on the opportunity to provide additional valuable information about you or your business – the opportunity to maximize communication that develops trust and credibility that turns you from an anonymous stranger to a trusted source. People do check those links – I know I do.

So if you want to maximize your exposure and drive the right traffic to your websites, consdier doing the following:

1. Rename Your Websites Names.

Don’t use the generic “Company Information” and “Personal Website”. Instead, share what is your website about. For example, I have a link to a video and I call it “Watch Localization Video“. I’m not going for the click, but looking to attract the appropriate viewer. This way, people who care about Localization will be more likely to click on it.

2. Use All 3 Links.

Information builds relationships and trust. People will only do business with people they trust. Why not maximize? If you don’t have 3 websites, pick 3 pages of your website to showcase – For example: “Products We Offer”, “Our Video” and “Company Contact”.

3. Include a “Cal to Action” (CTA).
At the end of your summary section, include a link to a specific page you would like guide the viewer to go to as their next “online stop”…

After a person reads how much value you can offer them, doesn’t it make sense to put your website and contact information right there and invite them to contact you? It just makes sense.

4. Add Your Website Link to the “Advice for Contacting” Section:

The more interest you pique, the more likely a person will be to click on to your website. If they read this far, they are people who you can help in some way and are interested in your offering. Post a link to the “next online” stop inside your profile in multiple places (but don’t over do it 1-3 times other than the main Contact information section of your profile).

5. Link to Your Company Page.

I’ve seen many people who may not realize that although they place the right company name under their role, it’s not propoerly linked to the company page – which means they can’t hover over the logo and see the website link as it is set up in the company page (assuming they have a company page).

6. Post High Quality Valuable and Life Changing Content

Quality, like beauty, is in the eye if the beholder. But think: what would my network on LinkedIn be interested in learning about – what would be valuable to them? LinkedIn is NOT about you, it’s about everyone else and what you can do for them. The people who do most for others, solve major problems and add most value to the marketplace, are usually also the ones make the most money.

So when you see great content, be generous and share the love with your network. If they see you contributing to their lives, they will want to learn more about you and what you are all about.

So now it’s your turn: What are some ways to drive traffic to your website without paying for it?


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