UPW Event Notes: “The Ultimate Success Formula” by High-Performance Coach Tony Robbins

Last October I turned 30. To celebrate 3 decades of living and to start the 4th one powerfully, I gave myself a birthday gift and decided to attend the “Unleash the Power Within”  Live Seminar in Orlando, FL, with Tony Robbins – the Coach of all Coaches.

I can’t begin to describe the experience and the impact the 4 days had on my life with over 4,000 amazing people, Tony Robbins, and fire walking (Yes, I did the famous fire walk!). Let’s just say, I Unleashed The Power Within! In fact, during that event is when I committed to myself to launch this blog – something I’ve been thinking about for a while.

One of the many powerful discussions was about the Ultimate Success Formula. This logical process simplifies the road to success in any area of life:

1. Know Your Outcome.
Your outcome is something measurable that you can track and know when you’ve arrived. It’s something you REALLY want to achieve!

2. Know Your Reasons WHY.
Reasons come fist. If you have great reasons behind what you’re doing, you never have to push yourself because the compelling future pulls you into action!

3. Take Massive Action!
Most of us take some action, but massive is the key word here. Get really good, really fast. People reward you in public for the practice you do in private. So “Plan your work and work your plans” – be strategic about your actions, and double your efforts.

4. Know What Results You Are Getting.
Asses frequently and regularly. If you can’t measure your progress, how do you know you’re on track? “What’s not measurable can never improve” – Michael Hyatt. If you don’t like what you see then…

5. Change Your Approach.
Most people get stuck here – they see something is not working so they give up, they quit. But if you REALLY want something, why would you quit? There’s another option, do something different – change your strategy, and if that doesn’t work, change it again. Over time, if you keep adjusting, you will reach your desired outcome.

If you’re ready to “Unleash Your Power”, I highly recommend registering for the next UPW. It will change your life forever.

And if you’ve never seen Tony Robbins speak, do yourself a favor, and watch this famous Ted talk that nearly 6 million people watched – titled: “Why we do what we do”.

Question: In what area of life will you apply the Ultimate Success Formula?

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